PMR 446

Our selection of antennas for the PMR 446 band, collinear, YAGI, directive.

For stationary or car use on the UHF 446 Mhz band.

Showing 1 - 15 of 15 items
  • SIRIO SPO 420-450MHz UHF PMR band antenna
    203,54 €

    Reference: SIRIO-SPO4208-2775

    SIRIO SPO 420-450MHz UHF PMR band antenna

    Antenna for professional and amateur radio bands from 420 to 450MHz. Gain of 8.15dBi. Length 2.74m with N connector.

    203,54 €
  • Fixed Diamond Antenna 430-490MHz 6dB BC202 Diamond Antenna Fixed DIAMOND-BC202-537
    129,00 €

    Reference: DIAMOND-BC205-537

    430-490MHz 8.5dBi Diamond BC-205 HAMRADIO PMR 446 fixed antenna

    Guaranteed original Diamond BC-205 fixed antenna, operates as a receiver and/or transmitter from 430 to 490MHz (to be trimmed) and is approximately 2.9m high, for use on the 70cm amateur radio band,

    129,00 €
  • SIRIO WY 300-500 MHz directive 4-element TETRA PMR AMTEUR antenna
    115,85 €

    Reference: SIRIO-WY3004N-2782

    SIRIO WY 300-500 MHz directive 4-element TETRA PMR AMTEUR antenna

    4-element UHF directional antenna. Professional PMR TETRA range. Wide band. 8 dBi gain. Super frequency 300-500 MHz. No adjustment required. Waterproof components. Female N connector. FT-6 bracket

    115,85 €
  • Base Antenna 370-510 MHz 6.75dBi TETRA PMR 446 MHz Sirio GPF 703 N
    114,00 €

    Reference: SIRIO-FIXE-GPF703N-1132

    Base Antenna 370-510 MHz 6.75dBi TETRA PMR 446 MHz Sirio GPF 703 N

    Sirio GPF 703 N antenna for fixed base station and UHF band of 370-510 MHz, omnidirectional antenna with a height of 2.23m, with a gain of 6.75 dBi, maximum power of 200 Watts, N-Female connector.For

    114,00 €
  • SIRIO WY 400-3N 3-element 400-470MHz directional antenna
    105,70 €

    Reference: SIRIO-WY4003N-2783

    SIRIO WY 400-3N 3-element 400-470MHz directional antenna

    3-element UHF directional antenna. Professional range. Frequency range 400-470 MHz. No tuning required. 7 dBi gain. Waterproof elements. Female N connector. FT-6 bracket included.

    105,70 €
  • Base Antenna 380-480 MHz PMR446 TETRA Sirio GP 430 LB
    89,00 €

    Reference: SIRIO-FIXE-GP430LB-U-1134

    Base Antenna 380-480 MHz PMR446 TETRA Sirio GP 430 LB

    Sirio GP 430 LB antenna for fixed base station for the UHF band 380-480 MHz, omnidirectional antenna with a height of 29.5cm with a gain of 2.15 dBi, maximum power of 300 Watts, with female UHF

    89,00 €
  • SIRIO WD 380-470 MHz PMR band UHF TETRA antenna
    86,30 €

    Reference: SIRIO-WD380N-2781

    SIRIO WD 380-470 MHz PMR band UHF TETRA antenna

    Professional UHF dipole. TETRA and PMR frequency range from 380 to 470 MHz. No tuning required. Waterproof components. 4 dBi gain. Maximum recommended power 150W. FT-6 bracket included.

    86,30 €
  • Car antenna Sirio HP-2070/R VHF-UHF Sirio Mobile CRT-SIRIO-HP-2070-541
    45,90 €

    Reference: SIRIO-HP-2070-541

    Car antenna Sirio HP-2070/R VHF-UHF PMR 446 2m & 70cm

    Screw whip antenna with PL259 for car of SIRIO HP-2070 and 2070R, for the band VHF and UHF in emission and reception:Sirio HP-2070 version (44.5cm length): Frequency VHF 141-149Mhz and UHF from 422 to

    45,90 €
  • Mobile 340-520 MHz Diamond Antenna VHF-UHF DIAMOND-MC203A-102
    42,30 €

    Reference: DIAMOND-MC203A-102

    Mobile antenna 430-470MHz PMR446 Diamond MC-203A

    Antenna Diamond MC203A genuine, works from 430 to 470Mhz (to be trimmed) and about 1m length, compatible PMR 446 MHz and amateur radio band 70cm (mounting bracket and cable not included).Frequencies:

    42,30 €
  • UF400 47 cm 430-470 MHz UHF PNI antenna with magnetic mount
    39,90 €

    Reference: PNI-UF400-2314

    UF400 47cm 430-470 MHz UHF PNI antenna with magnetic mount

    The PNI UF400 UHF radio antenna operates in the 430-470 MHz frequency range suitable for cars and trucks, compatible with all 430-470 MHz UHF radio stations on the market. The PNI UF400 is compatible

    39,90 €
  • UHF Base Antenna 430-450 MHz 2dBi PMR 446 LoRa 433 MHz Sirio SO 437 N
    36,90 €

    Reference: SIRIO-FIXE-SO437-N-1131

    Base Antenna 430-450 MHz 2dBi PMR 446 LoRa 433 MHz Sirio SO 437 N

    Sirio SO 437 N antenna for fixed base station for the UHF band 430-450 MHz, omnidirectional antenna with a gain of 2.15 dBi and a maximum power of 20 Watts, with N-Female connector.For use on the 70cm

    36,90 €
  • Chelegance XPG VHF/UHF 80W magnetic antenna + 3.5m cable
    24,90 €

    Reference: CHELEGANCE-XPG-CH0030036-2976

    Chelegance XPG VHF and UHF 80W discrete magnetic antenna + 3.5m cable

    Very compact Chelegance XPG mobile magnetic antenna for the VHF 136-150 MHz and UHF 400-470 MHz frequency bands, with a maximum power of 80W.Gain of 2.15 dBi in VHF and 3 dBi in UHF 5.5cm magnetic

    24,90 €
  • Antenna HT Diamond SRH-771 2m/70cm SMA-M for Yaesu Wouxun ICOM Diamond Antenna VHF-UHF DIAMOND-SRH771-127
    18,90 €

    Reference: DIAMOND-SRH771-127

    Antenna HT Diamond SRH-771 2m/70cm SMA-M for Yaesu Wouxun ICOM TYT

    Dual band antenna 2m / 70cm, original Diamond SRH771 with SMA Male connector, compatible with the walkie-talkie dual band Yaesu, TYT, Wouxun and ICOM. This antenna is compatible with all VHF / UHF

    18,90 €
  • Antenna Nagoya NA-771 2m/70cm SMA Female or SMA Male Nagoya Antenna Handheld NAGOYA-NA-771-FEMELLE-457
    13,20 €

    Reference: NAGOYA-NA771-MALE-4572

    Antenna Nagoya NA-771 2m/70cm SMA Female, SMA Male or BNC Male

    This Nagoya walkie-talkie antenna with SMA Male, SMA female or BNC male connector (to be chosen below) increases performance on the 144 Mhz and 430 Mhz bands, the antenna is 39cm long.The SMA Female

    13,20 €
  • VHF-UHF Abbree Tactical Foldable Antenna for Baofeng Anytone Yaesu ABBREE Handheld ABBREE-ANT-88CM-917
    10,50 € 15,00 € tax excl. -30%tax excl. In stock


    Reference: ABBREE-ANT-48CM-MALE-9172

    VHF-UHF Abbree Tactical Foldable Antenna for Baofeng Anytone Yaesu

    This foldable tactical antenna for VHF 144Mhz and UHF 430Mhz bands is available with a female SMA or SMA male connector and in 4 different sizes: 33cm, 48cm, 88cm* and 108cm. * The 88cm version has an

    10,50 €

    15,00 €

    Reduced price!
Showing 1 - 15 of 15 items

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