Coaxial cables

Selection of RG58, RG213, KSR195, RG316, RG402 coaxial cables and Messi & Paoloni HYPERFLEX, AIRBORNE, ULTRAFLEX cables.


  • RF Connectors

    Our selection of RF connectors and adapters from Messi & Paoloni and others, compatible with coaxial cables RG-58, RG-213 and M&P cables HYPERFLEX, ULTRAFLEX and AIRBORNE.

  • RG-58

    Selection of RG-58 (RG58) coaxial cables.

  • RG-213

    All our coaxial cables in RG-213 (RG213) and RG213U.

  • RG-316

    Our selection of coaxial cables in RG316 (RG-316) below.

    Characteristics of RG316 cable:

    Diameter: 2.5mm
    Impedance: 50 ohms
    Frequency of use: 0 to 3000 Mhz
    Velocity: 70%

    Attenuation over 100m of RG-316:

    100 MHz: 26.2dB
    400 MHz: 53.1dB
    1000 MHz: 85.6dB
    3000 Mhz: 153.20dB

    datasheet rg316 coaxial cable

  • RG-402

    All our coaxial cables in RG-402 (RG402).

  • KSR-195

    Our selection of KSR195 coaxial cables (KSR-195 equivalent to LMR195 cable) below.

    KSR195 Coaxial Cable Features:

    Diameter: 4.95mm
    Impedance: 50 ohms
    Frequency of use: 0 to 6000 MHz
    Velocity: 80%

    Attenuation in dB over 100m of the KSR-195:

    150 MHz: 14.6dB
    450 MHz: 25.5dB
    1500 MHz: 47.7dB
    2500 MHz: 62.4dB
    5800 Mhz: 80dB


    All our coaxial cables from Messi & Paoloni HYPERFLEX & ULTRAFLEX coaxial cable, 5mm, 7mm and 10mm.


    All our coaxial cables from Messi & Paoloni AIRBORNE coaxial cable, 5mm and 10mm.

  • KSR-400

    Our selection of coaxial cables KSR400, KSR-400 equivalent to LMR400/LMR-400.

    Characteristics of the coaxial cable

    • Cable diameter: 10.29cm
    • Curve: 51mm minimum
    • Use from -40°C to +80°C
    • Velocity: 85%
    • Impedance : 50 ohms
    • Frequency of use: 0 to 6000 Mhz

    Average attenuation in dB for 100m

    • 50 MHz : 2.9
    • 150 MHz : 5
    • 450 MHz : 8.9
    • 900 MHz : 12.8
    • 2500 MHz : 22.2
    • 5800 MHz : 35.5

    KSR400 LMR400


    All our coaxial cables from Messi & Paoloni: EXTRAFLEX low-loss coaxial cable in 10mm and 13mm high quality.

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Showing 1 - 50 of 67 items
Showing 1 - 50 of 67 items

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